• Jobseeker's Welcome

    Here's a few tips to help you make the best use the AUKUS Jobs platform in finding your next adventure.

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    • Code up as many skills as you can - employers using the AUKUS Jobs platform find candiates by searching for the skills and experiences they require. To discriminate between candidates in large lists employers can also search for secondary skills. Candidates with the best combinations of primary and secondary skills rank higher in search results and are more likely to be engaged by employers. The more skills you list, the more ways you can be found, and the higher you will rank in searches.


    • Stay fresh - Employers are more likely to contact the most recently listed or updated profiles. If you haven't logged in for a while we recommend a quick update to ensure your profile remains fresh and at the top of the "last updated" rankings.


    • Avoid anonymity unless you really need it - Given a choice of candidates, employers will normally engage first with those openly sharing their contact details before those that have kept their contact details hidden. It is important to understand the three jobseeking statuses that control the visibility of your profile and your identity.


    1 "Not currently seeking Work" - your profile is not included in searches, and your identity is hidden from employers. Use this setting when not seeking new employment.


    2 "Open to Offers" - your profile can be found in skills searches, but your identity will (initially) be hidden. Interested employers will reach out to you via an email explaining their opportunity and requesting you either contact them or share your identity (via a link in the email). This option is intended to protect (and should be used by) jobseekers with genuine concerns about their privacy, but it is important to understand that:

    - Employers find it easier (and are therfore more likely) to engage with candidates who share their contact details up front,

    - It is possible for employer reachouts to be caught in spam filters, which means jobseekers miss out on jobs.


    3 "Actively Seeking Work" - your profile, CV, and identity are fully visible to all registered employers within the platform. Employers who are attracted to your skills and experience can contact you directly and quickly via the email or phone number you provide. 

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    Talent Spotlights

    Get yourself out there

    If you'd like to be promoted through one of our regular talent spotlight social media posts (see example) please feel free to complete and send us this template.

    • Be considerate


    Respond to contact requests. Even if a role is not what you are looking for, we suggest taking 30 seconds to advise the employer so they can move on and offer the role to other candidates. In addition to creating a goodwill in an industry that is small enough to remember names, it's a great opportunity to tell the employer what you are really looking for - you never know what other roles they are seeking to fill.


    (Note - Raising levels of professional courtesy in the recruiting process is one of our objectives. We are also requesting employers to also take the time to provide a short response to candidates that submit EOIs for advertised roles to enable those candidates to move on quickly if they are unsuccessful).


    Deactivate your profile if you find a job. By making your profile dormant while not seeking work, employers can move quickly to get others back into the workforce