• Employer's Welcome

    A few tips to help you make the best use the AUKUS Jobs platform in finding your next employee.

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    The 3 ways to use the platform


    • Quickfind - You can quickly and accurately identify and connect with candidates who are already advertising their skills, experience, location and availability within the platform.


    • Advertise a Job / EOI - If time permits, suitable candidates can also be attracted into the platform, and towards your role by creating a "Hot Job". Candidates who express interest in the roles you advertise are passed on to you for consideration.


    Strategic Networking - Often during searches you will encounter candidates with attractive skills and experience that cannot be utilised immediately. Feel free to reach out to these candidates to create a connection, promote your company as an employer of choice, seek expressions of interest in future roles, etc.

    How candidate searching works

    (The following notes are colour-coded to align with the image below)

    • The candidate search page opens with the most recently active jobseeking candidates displayed first.
    • Candidates can then be ranked against an "ideal candidate" by selecting and weighting the desired skills and experience for the role in mind.
    • A suggested search structure might include:

    - a "mandatory" or "highly desired" core skill

    - a "highly desired" or "desired" secondary qualifier to the main skill

    - one or more "desirable" or "nice to have" tertiary qualifiers - perhaps a third skill, or instead organisational, platform or geographic familiarity.

    • If necessary, additional filtering can be used to further refine the pool of potential candidates.
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    • Adding "Mandatory" skills requirements is the boolean equivelant of AND. If you search for multiple "mandatory" skills you will likely have very narrow search results. We recommend only you ask for only one mandatory skill (if any). x x x x x x x x x
    • Adding "Highly Desirable", "Desirable" and "Nice to have" skills requirements are the boolean equivelant of OR. Your search will return candidates with any (but not necessarily all) of these skills. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    • The higher weighting you choose for an added skill (ie. mandatory, highly desirable, desirable, nice to have) the more aggresively the algorithm will re-rank the candidate list based on candidate scores for that skill.

    Advertising your bench


    If you have someone sitting on the bench, feel free to advertise their skills through the platform. In order to get your resource out on the open market you can create a profile that has centralised contact details that display an unidentified candidate’s skills and epxderiences.


    1. Sign up at www.aukusjobs.com, but use YourNormalEmailAddress+001@YourDomain.com.au as the login, and also as the email that is entered into the profile. (The +001 will be unique for login purposes, but ignored for communications. All comms will effectively go to YourNormalEmailAddress+001@YourDomain.com.au

    2. Use Firstname “YourCompanyName” and last name “Candidate 001”.

    3. Use the contact details of the relevant HR manager, and do not include a linkedin profile or CV.


    5. Include any other comments you’d like known in the career summary, but use normal sentence case.

    6. Include all the mobility and availability information to allow an informed decision.

    7. Keep a separate register somewhere of numbers and names in a spreadsheet, so that when a person reaches out through the platform you will know who they are referring to.

    8. Use +002 for the next candidate you advertise.


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    Using the SFIA skills framework


    The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) is a commonly used skills framework within the Australian defence industry. SFIA related skills can be found quickly through either keyword search or within skills families.


    Option 1 - By Keyword

    • The AUKUS Jobs platform has keyword associations between all SFIA v8 skills codes and the relevant skills from within the generic AUKUS Jobs skills framework. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    • To find SFIA related skills simply conduct a keyword search for the relevant four character SFIA code - eg. "BUSA" to find relevant skills for the SFIA (v8) skill "Business situation analysis".

    Option 2 - Within skills families 

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    Using the DSS skills framework


    The Defence Support Services (DSS) is a commonly used skills framework within the Australian defence industry. DSS related skills can be found quickly through either keyword search or within skills families.


    Option 1 - By Keyword

    • The AUKUS Jobs platform has keyword associations between all  DSS skills numbers (in Annex 1) and the relevant skills from the generic AUKUS Jobs skills framework. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    • To find DSS related skills simply conduct a keyword search for the relevant DSS skill number - eg. "2.1" to find relevant skills for the DSS skill "2.1 Systems and Software Engineering - Systems Engineering".

    Option 2 - Within skills families

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    Join the Fight


    The current processes by which employers and jobseekers find each other are flawed in at least 20 different ways. AUKUS Jobs has accepted the challenge of fixing this by codifying defence industry skills and experience, and creating a more efficient and accurate connection process. This is already saving considerable amounts of time, energy and money for both employers and jobseekers.


    Here's how you can help us make the process even better.

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    Provide feedback to improve the platform

    Nobody knows the challenges better than you

    We rely on you to tell us how best to solve your problems. If there are things we can do to improve the platform or our service, please take an extra moment to click on the feedback button and send us a note. This can be about anything - desired functionality, bugs, frustrations, the naming or structure of our skills frameworks....or even a "Well Done"


    Hit the feedback button any time for any reason to email us directly.


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    Provide testimonials that will attract more jobseekers

    Even your whispers are loud.

    If you like what we do, feel free to share it with the world via a testimonial (credited or anonymous), your own social media post or by sharing or commenting on one of ours.


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    Refer us to your unsuccessful candidates

    Goodwill gets noticed

    When 50 candidates apply for a job, 49 will be unsuccessful. That's a lot of disappointed talent. Some of these candidates may be suitable for future opportunities in other parts of your company, and others may be suitable for other parts of the defence industry. You can help build a stronger defence industry by adding this text to your applicant rejection letters:


    “To assist us in finding you for future roles we recommend you record your skills and experience within the AUKUS Jobs platform. This platform is free for jobseekers, and creating a skills profile will allow you to be found by us and other companies for many other roles within the defence industry. You can create your skills profile within 30 minutes here."


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    Help purify the data

    Lets us know about jobseekers who are no longer seeking employment.

    Please make us aware (using the feedback button) of any jobseekeers who are not actively looking for employment. We will contact them and change their profiles to an inactive state for the benefit of all users.


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    Close the Loop for Jobseekers

    Goodwill gets noticed.

    You can help build confidence in our skills-based dating approach by responding to candidates who submit EOIs through the AUKUS Jobs platform, even if they are unsuitable. In addition to creating goodwill and a reputation as an employer of choice, it is a great opportunity to remain connected for future roles.


    (Note - we also request jobseekers respond promptly to employers' connection requests).


    Team up with us at Trade Shows

    This is collaboration at its best.

    AUKUS Jobs has teamed with Sayres Australia to form "The SME Showcase" at the IndoPacific and Land Forces series of trade shows. The SME showcase is a syndicate of Australian SMEs who share the costs, risks and rewards of exhibiting at these events.


    You can be part of this at Land Forces 24 in Melbourne, 11-13 Sep 24.


    Contact us to find out more.